Catrin ydw i ac rwy'n weinydd Gymreig sydd yn byw yng Nghaerdydd. Cymerwch gip olwg ar y wefan i weld sut allai helpu i drefnu eich dathliad delfrydol chi!
I'm Catrin and I am a Cardiff based Welsh speaking celebrant. Please take a quick tour of my website to see how I can help you with your celebration!
Mae eich diwrnod priodas yn achlusur arbenning a bythgofiadwy a fy nod i yw i'ch helpu chi i wireddi eich diwrnod perffaith. Gallaf gynnal seremoni yn Gymraeg, yn Saesneg neu yn ddwyieithog. Pa fantais sydd i gael gweinydd annibynnol yn arwain eich priodas? Os nad ydych yn grefyddol nid oes angen cynnwys unrhyw elfen grefyddol yn y seremoni. Os ydych o ddau draddodiad crefyddol gwahanol gallwn ni gyfuno elfennau o'r ddau draddodiad yn y seremoni. Efallai nad ydych yn grefyddol ond chi'n hoff iawn o emyn penodol sy'n golygu llawer i chi - dim problem. Mae rhai cyplau eisiau ysgrifennu eu addunedau eu hunain a chyfuno traddodiadau fel hand-fasting a sand jars. Gyda gweinydd annibynnol mae'n bosib creu eich seremoni delfrydol chi.
Your wedding day is such an important and memorable day and my aim is to help you bring your perfect day to life. I can conduct ceremonies in Welsh, English or bilingually. So, what are the advantages of having an independent celebrant conduct your wedding? If you're not religious you don't have to have any religious content in your ceremony. Maybe you are from two different religious traditions and want to include elements from both traditions in your wedding. You might not be religious but really like a specific hymn that is meaningful to you - no problem. Some couples want to write their own vows and include traditions such as hand fasting and sand jars. With an independent celebrant it's possible to create a ceremony that is perfect for you.
Mae llawer o gyplau yn adnewyddu eu haddunedau fel ffordd o fynegi eu cariad ar ol blynyddoedd o briodas. Mae'n ffordd o rannu'r profiad gyda'u plant a'u wyrion a wyresau oedd heb ei geni y tro cyntaf a chynnal seremoni sy'n eu hadlewyrchu nhw, eu teulu a'u bywyd gyda'i gilydd.
Many couples renew their wedding vows as a way of expressing their love after so many years together. It's a way of sharing the experience with their kids and grand-kids who weren't born the first time around. It's a way of celebrating their love in a way that reflects them as a couple, their family and their lives together.
Mae llawer o rieni yn awyddus i ddathlu genedigaeth eu plentyn a'i cyflwyno i'w teulu a'u ffindiau. Am nad ydyn nhw ddim yn grefyddol mae llawer o rieni yn dewis seremoni enwi er mwyn gallu gwneud hyn. Mae e'n ffordd i'r rhieni i ddatgan yn gyhoeddus eu cariad ac ymrwymiad i'w plentyn ac i gyflwyno y rhieni arwain, sef oedolion eraill gall y plentyn droi atynt ar eu taith drwy bywyd.
Pan fydd teulu yn mabwsiadu plentyn, weithiau fe fyddan nhw yn awyddus i drefnu seremoni enwi neu seremoni er mwyn croesawi'r plentyn i'r teulu a'i gyflwyno'n ffurfiol i'w teulu a ffrindiau. Mae hyn hefyd yn gyfle i'r rhieni i ddatgan yn gyhoeddus eu hymrwymiad at y plentyn.
Mae rhai pobl yn aml yn dewis cael seremoni enwi ar ol bod trwy llawdriniaeth newid rhyw fel ffordd o gydanabod a dathlu y bennod newydd yma yn eu bywydau.
Many new parents are not religious but want to mark the birth of their child in some way and formally introduce the little one to their family and friends. A naming ceremony is a good way to this, where the parents can publicly declare their love and commitment to their child and introduce the guide parents - other adults that the child can turn to for support on their journey through life.
When a family adopts a child they may decide on a naming ceremony - or a welcoming ceremony - to officially introduce the child to their friends and family and to publicly declare their commitment to the child.
People often decide to have a naming ceremony after they've had transition surgery as a way of celebrating the new chapter in their lives.
Mae colli person sy'n agos i chi yn brofiad dorcalonnus ac mae trefnu angladd yn yr amgylchiadau hynny yn brofiad andros o anodd. Yn ogystal a galaru, rydych hefyd am i'r gwasanaeth fod yn deilwng ac yn driw i'r person rydych yn ffarwelio ag ef. Byddai gweinydd annibynnol fel fi yn eich cefnogi wrth drefnu angladd sy'n adlewyrchu y person rydych wedi ei golli.
Losing a loved one is such a heartbreaking experience and organising a funeral can be a very daunting experience. As well as dealing with your grief you want to reflect the life and personality of your loved one. With a funeral conducted by a celebrant such as myself you will receive the utmost support in organising a funeral that truly represents your loved one.
* 25% i'w dalu i gadarnhau y trefniant a'r gweddill i'w dalu yn llawn 4 wythnos cyn y seremoni. * 25% to be paid to reserve booking with the remainder of the balance to be paid in full 4 weeks before the ceremony date.
Os hoffech mwy o fanylion neu i gael sgwrs cysylltwch drwy lenwi'r ffurflen ac fe fyddaf mewn cysylltiad cyn gynted a phosib.
If you want more details or a quick chat please fill in the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible,
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